It is with great pleasure that Ambrose Construct Group attended our first SCAN4WHS Meeting on the Sunshine Coast at Sundale on Thursday 16th February 2017.
The quarterly meeting brings a group of motivated businesses and government representatives together to discuss Workplace Health and Safety issues and initiatives.
During this meeting we heard Industry Case Studies from:
- Julie Ashwell (Sundale) on Managing Workers with Non-Work Related Injuries
- Pam Moore (Sunshine Coast Private Hospital) on Innovations in protecting infrastructure through the unique use of a new type of sandbag
- Sam Bevis (Architectural Metalworks Australia) on Using the PEfrorM model in Manufacturing
- Sue Beaton (University of Sunshine Coast) on Office Ergonomics in the Design Phase
- Sara Pazell (Viva! Health at Work) on the Value Proposition of Good Work Design (Rio Tinto Weipa)
We were also provided a Workcover Update from Helena Creighton and WHSQ update from Kerry Cowling, Jennue Hunter and Greg Karlsson.
Some of the key takeaways and resources included:
- eNEWS (is a free email subscription service keeping you informed on a range of topics and health and safety issues that affect workplaces in Queensland.
Sign-up to receive regular newsletters and updates delivered to your inbox) - Heat Stress
- WHS eTools for use by businesses and organisations to assess the risks for various hazards and determine the return on investment for their health and safety initiatives.
- Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 amendment and 18 additional on the spot fines
- Young Workers Safety Resources